Resetting the thermal snap switches on a uPrint

Resetting the thermal snap switch in a uPrint

When a chamber fan dies in a uPrint, typically a thermal snap switch trips. All of the power travels through that switch before it gets to the electronics, so when this happens the machine appears as though it is dead. If your machine shows no sign of life when you turn it on, this is the first thing to check.

Luckily, resetting the snap switches is easy and shouldn’t take more than 15 – 20 minutes. Here is the procedure:

  1. Make sure the system is powered down and unplugged from the wall
  2. Remove both side panels from the machine by removing the three screws in the back of each side and sliding the side back and off. See the attached Removing Side Panels.pdf (ignore step 1 as you can’t power it on to unload the material)
  3. Remove the 4 screws that hold the heater cover plate on the side. Do this on both sides on the machine. (See “Reset Snap Switch - Step 1" below)
  4. Locate the snap switch (See “Reset Snap Switch Step 2" below)
  5. Press the snap switch in on both sides of the machine (See “Reset Snap Switch – Step 3" below)

Once you have pressed the snap switches in, you can plug the machine back in and turn it on. You can leave the side panels and heater cover plates off when you do this, just make sure you do not touch anything in the areas of the snap switches when the machine is powered on.

If it powers on we know the problem was just that one of the snap switches tripped. If that is the case, you probably have a bad chamber fan.  Take a look at the “Reset Snap Switch – Step 3” again. You will see two orange circles and an orange arrow. These point to where the fan is mounted to the case. You should be able to look down the hole that the arrow is pointing to and see the fan rotating. This fan should always be rotating if the machine is on. If it is not, it is dead and is causing the problem. Again, be careful not to touch the area around the heater when the machine is on. This area is physically and electrically hot.

If you determine it is a bad chamber fan, power the machine back down and disconnect it from its power outlet.

Resetting Snap Switch - Step 1

Resetting Snap Switch - Step 2

Resetting Snap Switch - Step 3

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