F123 Pop Fix File

Pop Fix STL File

In some cases, the blue material tube pops off of the head during the auto load procedure in the F123 series. Future revisions of the print heads will address this, but a current work around is to print out the Pop fix STL and install it on the head. The STL file is attached and a picture of the part installed on a TPU head is below.

The STL titled pop_fix_with_air_cool_fix_clean.stl will work with any print head with a part number that ends in -0001 to -0005.
The STL 2022_NEW_HEAD_TUBE_FIX.STL will work with a head that has a part number that ends in -0006.

With the head in the machine, install the tube normally, then install the pop fix part onto the head to keep the tube secured.

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