FANUC CNC Simulator with Machine Simulation - Windows Boot issues

FANUC CNC Simulator with Machine Simulation - Windows Boot Issues

FANUC's CNC Simulator with Machine Simulation is a unique training system that incorporates a real FANUC CNC control and a separate embedded Windows PC to simulate the CNC Machine. 

The end user will connect a computer monitor, mouse, and keyboard directly to the HDMI and USB ports on the back of the FANUC Simulator. Under normal circumstances the user will see the monitor boot in the Microsoft Windows when the Simulator is turned on.

In rare instances, there may be an issue with Windows and you may see an error during the boot process like in the images below:

If this happens to you, please locate the recovery media on the USB drive that is included with the Simulator. If you plug that USB drive into another computer, you will find a read me file on it that explains how to restore the Windows installation. Follow the steps in the read me to recover from this type of error.

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